About me
After a youth spent in the french countryside, I went to study design in the cities. Numerous travels and encounters made me discover ne ways of life, crafts and visions of creation.
My curiosity lead me to follow long studies, starting with applied arts and theory, then a double award bachelor in computer science and industrial design. I went to study abroad for a year, first at the Design Academy Eindhoven & the TU/e (Netherlands), then at the Chiba University (Japan). Back to France I did my intership at the UX design team of Saint-Gobain (world leader in construction’s material) on the theme of the recycling of construction’s material.
At that point, I decide to center my projects around user experience and sustainability, for which I acquire tools like Life Cycle Analysis or anthropology centered investigations. Trained by famous designers (Normal Studio, François Azambourg, Forma Fantasma,...) I devellop a personnal style based on empathy. In 2018 I write my research thesis “Adieu”, studying moving out and our connections to objects. My diploma project “Us et coutumes” anchor my design in sustainability, aiming to help change our domestic habits to more durable options.
I Graduate from my master of indutrial design at ENSCI-Les Ateliers (Paris) and create my design studio in 2019. Working today between the french countryside and Paris, I enjoy advantages from both places : cultural tumult on one side, craftmanship and space on the other.
A detail centered design
I mix in my design my interest for analysis and field research. I usually study the context in-depth in order to create the most adequate project. This study allows me to adapt to various fields, may it be product, space or services. It mostly gives me inspiration, originating from user feedback, historical solutions or context.
In my projects I like to bring together user experience and product design. The association of those two sides of design ensures consistency between shape, fonction and intent.
Finally I commit myself to a humble design, centered around the user. A durable design that notices environnemental changes to come and seizes them as creative opportunities.
Exhibitions, Press & Prizes

Exhibition “Diplorama”, Galerie Joseph (Paris, 09/2020)
Exhibition “Biennale Émergence” (Pantin, 10/2020)
This project is being partially edited by Metapoly

Exhibition “Le Workshop”, Biennale Internationale de Céramique Contemporaine de Vallauris (Vallauris, 2018)
Exhibition “Terre & Verre”, ENSCI-Les Ateliers (Paris, 2019)
Presented on national TV Télématin (08/07/2019)
Published in Le Monde (10/07/2019)
Published in Télérama (10/07/2019)
Cover of “La revue de la céramique et du verre n°231” (03/2020)
Production can be arranged on demand
E.I. Clémence Valade Desisn - All rights reserved