Tableware / 2019
Collaboration with famous ceramist Claude Aïello and the Magnelli museum (Vallauris)
photo Véronique Huyghe
Exhibition “Le Workshop”, Biennale Internationale de Céramique Contemporaine de Vallauris (Vallauris, 2018)
Exhibition “Terre & Verre”, ENSCI-Les Ateliers (Paris, 2019)
Seen on national TV in Télématin (08/07/2019)
Published in Le Monde (10/07/2019)
Published inTélérama (10/07/2019)
Cover of “La revue de la céramique et du verre n°231” (03/2020)
Available for production on demand
Exhibition “Terre & Verre”, ENSCI-Les Ateliers (Paris, 2019)
Seen on national TV in Télématin (08/07/2019)
Published in Le Monde (10/07/2019)
Published inTélérama (10/07/2019)
Cover of “La revue de la céramique et du verre n°231” (03/2020)
Available for production on demand
Cette collection de plats de service et carafes, née d’une collaboration avec le céramiste Claude Aïello, s’inspire des This tableware collection is inspired by traditional kitchen ceramics that formed the golden age of the city of Vallauris. It is the result of a collaboration with famous french ceramist Claude Aïello.
The collection is made out of three presentation plates and three bottles, using local clay and color, it is made to receive large numbers of guests. The stripes are intriguing, signalling to the user where the ceramics should be held. They are an echo to the stripes left on clay by the hands of the ceramist.
This collection is made to be held and used, put in the center of the sharing moment that is the family dinner.
The collection is made out of three presentation plates and three bottles, using local clay and color, it is made to receive large numbers of guests. The stripes are intriguing, signalling to the user where the ceramics should be held. They are an echo to the stripes left on clay by the hands of the ceramist.
This collection is made to be held and used, put in the center of the sharing moment that is the family dinner.

E.I. Clémence Valade Desisn - All rights reserved