Us & coutumes : Diet

Diploma / 2019

graduation project from l’ENSCI-Les Ateliers
Directed by Aïssa Logerot
Photo : Véronique Huyghe

Exhibition “Diplorama”, Galerie Joseph (Paris, 09/2020)
Exhibition at the “Biennale Émergence” (Pantin, 10/2020)

The fruit basket and ceramic sets will be soon available for purchase.

In a few generations our way of life has changed drastically. Like the water scoop, objects and customs developed over centuries have become obsolete. In the face of the environmental crisis, our way of life must change again.

But engaging in drastic changes is complicated, often asking too much of the user. Why not go back to basics? By rediscovering forgotten traditional uses, “Us et coutumes” encourages the change of our most personal, ingrained and polluting habits.

The project is divided in two parts, one tackling our current diet habits, and the negative impact it has on the world. The other part focuses on domestic water use, in relation to body hygiene. Both parts offer a progressive and positive view on changes toward durable habits.

The goal is to incite to eat durable food, healthy for both you and the environment, as defined in the French government study Afterres 2050. My approach was to bring back “good” food into the user’s view, and make it attractive, in order to push us to eat it more.

The objects are inspired by traditional food storage objects and famous still life paintings that used vegetable and fruits as centerpiece decorations.
The set is made of a mural fruit basket, glass legumes pots and a ceramic vegetable container. Each presents the food at home, preserving them at the same time.

Food storage is not limited to the kitchen anymore, and seeing those healthy products displayed beautifully makes us want to eat them more.

E.I. Clémence Valade Desisn - All rights reserved